Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Providing, A service/emotional animals travel and letter

Service animals are basically different animals or mostly dogs, who are trained and guided for the purpose of helping/Guiding/assisting a disabled person. They could be Guide Dogs or Leader Dogs or Signal Dogs, these are different type of service animal dogs, but  there could be other animals also who can assist like cat, monkey etc. These animals perform some of the functions and tasks that the individual who is having a disability cannot perform by their own.

These Service animals perform different service like "Seeing eye dogs" are one type of service animal, used by some individuals who are blind, there are dogs who Alert persons with hearing impairments to sounds, Some were for pulling wheelchairs or carrying and picking up things for persons with mobility impairments, and Assisting  persons with mobility impairments with balance.

Travel with service animal is a complex Activity, even after government is  allowing to take your animal with you while travelling in a bus, plane , train etc. It needs to go through some documentation and verification processes to take your animal with you while travelling.
Animals that got alert or respond to a disability related need or any emergency such as seizure, panic attack or extreme social anxiety can be qualified as a service animal provided that you have documentation from a medical professional.

Travelling with you service animal
An Animal who is providing a service to a disabled customer will be allowed to travel and should not be charged any kind of extra fee. The businesses or a transportation company will look for physical indicators on the animal including harnesses, vests, capes or backpacks. The markings on these items only should identify the animal as a service animal. In some cases, documentation may be required to prove certificatation of a service animal while travelling.

The company will take a verbal assurances from the customer and ask questions like "Is this your pet?" or "What tasks or functions does this animal perform for you?" or "What has it been trained to do?" If you can provide a reasonable explanation and a brief of how the animal was trained or how it performs the function for which it is being used it will generally be accepted however, you may be asked for certification papers verifying the training the animal has received.

Service Animals must got permitted into any privately owned businesses that serves the public, such as  hotels,  restaurants ,retail stores, taxicabs, theaters, concert halls, and sports facilities, are prohibited from discriminating against any individuals with disabilities. law has said all the businesses to allow people with disabilities to bring their service animals onto business premises in whatever areas customers are generally allowed.

For more details about ServiceAnimal travel visit 

Thursday, 11 January 2018

Let’s Travel with Service Animal Letter | PDSC

All Air Carriers are legally required to allow both emotional support animals and service animal letter on flights without any charge. However, it is always good to review the requirements for service animals for your particular airline, and whether there are any conditions that need to be met. In further, some travel destinations provide further credentials for Service Animal Travel.

What evidence is required to prove that the animal is a service or emotional support animal?

Any type animal can qualify for a service animal letter, whether it is dog, cat, bird, or even squirrel also.  There are no federal confines on which species can qualify as an ESA letter. 

For a service animal travel who’s use is not obvious, as with any public housing, the airline representative may inquire (1) is the dog a service animal required because of a disability, and (2) what work or mission has the dog or your service animal been trained to perform. According to rules and  regulations, an airline must take the following as indication that the animal is indeed a service animal letter: (1) the credible verbal assurances of a traveler with a disability using the animal, the existence of harnesses or markings on harnesses or ID cards or other written certified documentation.

For every emotional support animals, the documentation mandatory is different such as ESA letter, and most airlines necessitate up-to-date documentation (i.e., dated within a year of the date of travel) from a mental-health professional stating that: (1) the passenger has a mental health-related disability; the passenger needs the animal with Service Animal Letter for the mental-health condition; and the provider of the ESA letter is a licensed mental-health professional (or a medical doctor) and the passenger is under the individual’s professional care. Most airlines have specific forms that are found on their website.

Having a service animal letter from professional doctor is critical to certify federal protection for housing and service animal travel.If you really want to order your ESA letter then PDSC is the priority destination!!

Wednesday, 3 January 2018

How To Travel With Service Or Emotional Support Animals

If you are one person who is suffering from a mental health disorder then traveling can be extremely stressful.If your disorder is prohibiting you from traveling, consider registering your dog or cat as an emotional support animal. Or if you don’t have a Valid ESA letter for a dog or a cat, now is a great time to consider getting one!

An emotional support animal provides support and relief through companionship and affection to those who suffer from mental or emotional situations. Unlike service animals, emotional support animals are not obligatory to do certain jobs.

These Emotional Support animals provide emotional support for those who suffer from depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, panic attacks, phobias or fears and various other emotional or psychological conditions.

In order to travel with an emotional support animal, you are compulsory to have a special letter (ESA Letter) from a licensed doctor or mental health professional. The Service Animal letter must state that you need to travel with a support animal for your emotional conditions.

The ESA letter must include certain features. For example, the Valid ESA letter must not be more than one-year-old, be on a professional letterhead, and be from a mental health professional or a doctor.

Additionally, the note must state that you have a mental health-related disability. The note is not requiring stating the specific disability, but it does have to be in the DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders).

The Service Animal letter must include that the support animal is essential to your health or treatment during the flight or travel. The professional writing the ESA letter must be licensed and state that you are under their current care.

.If you are traveling with your emotional support animal, they will be able to sit in the main cabin with you. There is no additional fee for traveling with them.
    .Make sure your animal is well-trained and well-behaved in public settings. No one likes a loud, rowdy animal on a long flight!
        . In order to confirm the airline can accommodate you and your emotional support  animal.
    Traveling with an emotional support animal does not have to be worrying! Use these above tips to help make your trip as smooth as possible. To learn more about emotional support animals and if you want to get free ESA dog letter, make sure to check out !